Spiritomb - 10/102 - Holo Rare Tweet Out of stock. $1.99 Wishlist Details Set: HS-Triumphant Card Number: 10/102 Rarity: Holo Rare Illustrator: Shizurow Retreat Cost: 1 HP: 60 Stage: Basic Card Type: Psychic Resistance: C-20 Name: Spiritomb Finish: Holo Attack #1: P Color Tag Choose 1 Type from GRWLPFDM or C type. Put 1 damage counter on each Pokn your opponent has in play of the type you chose. Card Text: Poke-POWER Spooky Whirlpool Once during your turn, when you put Spiritomb from your hand onto your Bench, you may use this power. Your opponent shuffles his or her hand into their deck and draws 6 cards. Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company